Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Ride Day #2

After the first Ride Day we went home and did A LOT of talking and googling about racing and if we thought we could take it on and if the kids liked it enough, the schedule, the cost, kids with attitudes, etc, etc. Somewhere between the first ride day and second ride day, we decided we were going to do it -- more on that later.

So by the second ride day - we had an rv, trailer, and my son's car. (Yes, I mean we didn't have any such things before).

Zachary's car - a 76 Fiser

And, of course, like you always want to do when you find something cool to do ---- we invited all our friends to come out too. I think we brought three families out with us to the second ride day.

The actual ride day was the same set-up, but with more people this time. It was a long wait because we got there more toward the afternoon. The kids all had fun again and the best of all......
we thought we had some friends convinced to try the race season with us! YAAY!

After Ride Day #2 we had about a month or so to find my daughter's car. Yipes!

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