I got a little behind on the race weekends so this may not be as detailed as I'd normally like...
This weekend it really felt like forever since we'd raced - and even longer than that since we'd been at home track. I was also constantly questioning, what I had done at the Grands as far as set-up. Should I change back now that I was at home?? Or was my set-up sort of sucky in the first place so I should just leave him alone?? Since I really couldn't answer myself, I left him be, but not without much internal debate after every single time he drove...
They ran heats this weekend. Right before he went out, it occure to me that race season was almost over this year and that although my boy was getting faster, he still wouldn't pass. It just so happened that one of the novices that repeatedely won was moving up - and Zachary saw that as an opening. I also saw an opening - BRIBERY!
Yeah, I said it. Yeah, I did it. Zachary was sitting in staging in his car w/ all gear on when it occured to me that I should bribe my laid back boy to win (because really, who doesn't need that lesson as early as possible??).
So right before he left staging, my son and I had a business deal - and it was the business of passing. Now I will not mention what the bribe was, but I will tell you that he did not just pass a couple cars - he lapped cars and finished first ---about 1/2 track ahead. Finally!
Zachary got a huge confidence boost and now he knows he can pass. Oh yeah, it's on. No, really, it totally is!
Zachary went straight to A Main. The first race day, I cannot remember what happened but I believe he got 4th or 5th in the race. He was disappointed but the good thing about double race days is that the first day you can tell them, "There's always tomorrow!"
So the next day Zachary somehow ended up as car number 7 after the heats. It was not a pretty place to be but maybe one of the best things that could have happened as far as the lesson...
I think we were both feeling a bit unsure if he could come from behind that day. I told him how many cars he needed to pass and sent him out.
That boy passed his little butt off and pulled 3rd in the A Main - trophy territory!!
And we have since reflected on the fact that if he's in the back, he can still pull ahead and to never quit trying. That is gold!